1Proiect Erasmus + , “Open Europe, Open Hearts”, 2017-2019
Coordonator prof. inv. primar Bărbătescu Nineta
Măsura KA2 – Parteneriat strategic pentru susținerea schimbului de bune practici în domeniul școlar.
Scoli partenere: Spania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Turcia, România.
Durata : 1 septembrie 2017 – 31 august 2019
Măsura KA2 – Parteneriat strategic pentru susținerea schimbului de bune practici în domeniul școlar.
Scoli partenere: Spania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Turcia, România.
Durata : 1 septembrie 2017 – 31 august 2019
2Proiect Erasmus KA1 – “Educatia timpurie pentru incluziune”, 2017-2019
Coordonator: profesor învățământ primar Eliza Agavriloaei
ANUNȚ privind organizarea și desfășurarea concursului de selecție a profesorilor participanți la cursurile de formare
Metodologia procesului de selecție a profesorilor participanți la mobilități de formare
Anexa 1
Anexa 2 – Criterii de selectie
Mai multe detalii gasiti pe site-ul proiectului la adresa
ANUNȚ privind organizarea și desfășurarea concursului de selecție a profesorilor participanți la cursurile de formare
Metodologia procesului de selecție a profesorilor participanți la mobilități de formare
Anexa 1
Anexa 2 – Criterii de selectie
Mai multe detalii gasiti pe site-ul proiectului la adresa
3Proiect Erasmus + 2014-2016
Proiect Erasmus + “Once upon a time”
Coordonator: Prof. inv. primar Eliza Agavriloaei
Masura KA2 – Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices
Scoli partenere :Turcia, Estonia, Belgia, Spania, Romania
Durata proiectului: 1 sept. 2014 – 1 sept. 2016
The project Activities:
A1- Measurement and evaluation of students’ reading, writing, comprehension performances and basic skills
A2- Determination of students’ ability to talk and build social relationships
A3- Application and evaluation of awareness and attention tests
A4- All countries’ preparation of a presentation introducing their school, country, stories belonging to their country and heroes of these stories
A5- Sharing pictures of lifestyles of the students taken by each associate school with other associate schools, enabling the students to look at these pictures and talk about them, and formation of short stories about these pictures
A6- Arrangement of a seminar to regulate speech and expression, to minimize pronunciation errors and use of regional language: Gürsel Kaya (literature teacher-retired commentator and producer from TRT Antalya Radio)
A7- A seminar to use and read Turkish effectively and meaningfully: Oğuz Saygın (International NLP Master Trainer)
A8- A seminar of authorship and to use Turkish effectively: Duran Çetin (educationalist-writer)
A9- A seminar of authorship and to use Turkish effectively: Associate Professor Doctor Muhittin Çalışkan (Necmettin Erbakan University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Education Faculty lecturer)
A10- Introduction of child stories, seminar of authorship: Vural Kaya (story writer for children)
A11- Child stories and seminar of authorship: Sümeyye Turanalp (story writer for children-Child magazine “Beyaz Bulut (White Cloud)”)
A12- A seminar of authorship: Sinan Yağmur (writer of the book “Aşkın Gözyaşları (Tears of Love)”)
A13- Making students try to write stories with various concepts given to them
A14- Exchange of half-written stories with other associate schools
A15- Preparation of the stories both in the mother tongue and in English by the responsible teachers in each associate school, and making necessary corrections
A16- Reading of each incomplete story to each student in associate schools by responsible teachers and making drawing exercises about these stories
A17- Convey of the basic information about drawing and illustration to the students: Nilgün Karakaş (member of UNESCO International Plastic Arts Association-artist)
A18- Determining the pictures from the ones drawn about the stories to have a place in the story, and exhibition of these pictures appropriately in each associate school
A19- Delivery of the chosen pictures to Romania where the fifth meeting of the project will be held, determining pictures to have a place in the story via an election in Romania, and handing these pictures in to the coordinator school’s authorized people to deaden these pictures for the exhibition at the final meeting
A20- Publication of the story books at the qualities and quantities each country will determine itself
A21- Exhibition of the pictures about the story (in the final meeting in Konya)
A22- Autographs to the books during the picture exhibition (in the final meeting in Konya)
A23- Giving a place to the news (a written document) about the content and exercises of the project in a national magazine named “Ihlamur Edebiyat Dergisi”
A24- Formation of the handouts to introduce the project and to share the information obtained
A25- Arrangement of some trips aimed to know the environment, socialize, and know the nature
A26- Preparation of a website that contains exercises in the project and follow introduce already
A27- Development of the Story-Writing-Commentary Platform in order to generalize and carry on the project and follow introduce already. (This base has been formed. During the project, it will continue to be developed.)
A28- Checking the link of the Facebook group “Once Upon A Time” that has been created to share the project exercises, and posting necessary things on this page
A29- Formation of a booth or a clipboard to introduce the associate school and content of the project in each school
A30-Prepare Project Final Report
A31-Write daily
Coordonator: Prof. inv. primar Eliza Agavriloaei
Masura KA2 – Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices
Scoli partenere :Turcia, Estonia, Belgia, Spania, Romania
Durata proiectului: 1 sept. 2014 – 1 sept. 2016
The project Activities:
A1- Measurement and evaluation of students’ reading, writing, comprehension performances and basic skills
A2- Determination of students’ ability to talk and build social relationships
A3- Application and evaluation of awareness and attention tests
A4- All countries’ preparation of a presentation introducing their school, country, stories belonging to their country and heroes of these stories
A5- Sharing pictures of lifestyles of the students taken by each associate school with other associate schools, enabling the students to look at these pictures and talk about them, and formation of short stories about these pictures
A6- Arrangement of a seminar to regulate speech and expression, to minimize pronunciation errors and use of regional language: Gürsel Kaya (literature teacher-retired commentator and producer from TRT Antalya Radio)
A7- A seminar to use and read Turkish effectively and meaningfully: Oğuz Saygın (International NLP Master Trainer)
A8- A seminar of authorship and to use Turkish effectively: Duran Çetin (educationalist-writer)
A9- A seminar of authorship and to use Turkish effectively: Associate Professor Doctor Muhittin Çalışkan (Necmettin Erbakan University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Education Faculty lecturer)
A10- Introduction of child stories, seminar of authorship: Vural Kaya (story writer for children)
A11- Child stories and seminar of authorship: Sümeyye Turanalp (story writer for children-Child magazine “Beyaz Bulut (White Cloud)”)
A12- A seminar of authorship: Sinan Yağmur (writer of the book “Aşkın Gözyaşları (Tears of Love)”)
A13- Making students try to write stories with various concepts given to them
A14- Exchange of half-written stories with other associate schools
A15- Preparation of the stories both in the mother tongue and in English by the responsible teachers in each associate school, and making necessary corrections
A16- Reading of each incomplete story to each student in associate schools by responsible teachers and making drawing exercises about these stories
A17- Convey of the basic information about drawing and illustration to the students: Nilgün Karakaş (member of UNESCO International Plastic Arts Association-artist)
A18- Determining the pictures from the ones drawn about the stories to have a place in the story, and exhibition of these pictures appropriately in each associate school
A19- Delivery of the chosen pictures to Romania where the fifth meeting of the project will be held, determining pictures to have a place in the story via an election in Romania, and handing these pictures in to the coordinator school’s authorized people to deaden these pictures for the exhibition at the final meeting
A20- Publication of the story books at the qualities and quantities each country will determine itself
A21- Exhibition of the pictures about the story (in the final meeting in Konya)
A22- Autographs to the books during the picture exhibition (in the final meeting in Konya)
A23- Giving a place to the news (a written document) about the content and exercises of the project in a national magazine named “Ihlamur Edebiyat Dergisi”
A24- Formation of the handouts to introduce the project and to share the information obtained
A25- Arrangement of some trips aimed to know the environment, socialize, and know the nature
A26- Preparation of a website that contains exercises in the project and follow introduce already
A27- Development of the Story-Writing-Commentary Platform in order to generalize and carry on the project and follow introduce already. (This base has been formed. During the project, it will continue to be developed.)
A28- Checking the link of the Facebook group “Once Upon A Time” that has been created to share the project exercises, and posting necessary things on this page
A29- Formation of a booth or a clipboard to introduce the associate school and content of the project in each school
A30-Prepare Project Final Report
A31-Write daily
4Proiect Comenius 2012-2014
Parteneriat Bilateral Comenius Romania – Turcia
Tema:Academia abilitatilor practice
Mai multe detalii se pot obține de la pagina oficiala a proiectului:
Tema:Academia abilitatilor practice
Mai multe detalii se pot obține de la pagina oficiala a proiectului:
5Proiect Comenius 2010-2012
Tema: ,,Manger sainement, faire du sport quotidiennement – c’est vivre sagement !”
Coordonator: Profesor invatamant primar Antonescu Ileana
Pentru mai multe informatii se poate consulta site-ul proiectului Comenius aici.
Coordonator: Profesor invatamant primar Antonescu Ileana
Pentru mai multe informatii se poate consulta site-ul proiectului Comenius aici.
6Educatia remediala pentru copiii migrantilor
Echipa de proiect:
Coordonator proiect: prof. Eliza Agavriloaei
Asistent coordonator: prof. Dr. Gabriela Ciubotaru
Membri echipa: prof. Mirica Luminita, Oprea Luminita, inf. Nunu Liviu
Finantator: Fundatia Soros, Romania
Aplicant: Asociatia Parintilor Scolii Nr. 28, Galati
Parteneri: NGO, Denizen, Serbia, NGO Flladi, Macedonia, Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Dobrila Stambolic, Serbia, Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 28 ,,Mihai Eminescu” Galati
Iniţiativa noastră porneste de la identificarea timpurie a nevoilor de educatie a elevilor proveniti din medii sociale dezavantajate, propune solutia dezvoltarii unui instrument educational de prevenire, protectie si recuperare, cu o structura complexa, de abordare a actului educativ, se desfasoara in spatiul comunitatii educationale, asigurand, pentru grupul tinta( copii ai migrantilor) o participare activa, indrumati de cadrele didactice formate special in acest sens.
Obiectivele proiectului:
-sa asigure surse de activităţi integrative, accesibile elevilor din toate categoriile sociale; -sa elaboreze un curriculum specific activitatilor de remediere scolara; -sa promoveze egalitatea de sanse, in educatia elevilor; -sa creeze o platforma internationala in domeniul educatiei remediale
Rezultatele proiectului:
Atelierele de lucru din cadrul stagiului de formare vor putea fi multiplicate si organizate in cadrul altor programe de formare a resursei umane din domeniul interventiei pentru protectia copilului. Participantii la instruire vor putea realiza un transfer de know how si altor colegi din cadrul institutiilor de provenienta in vederea utilizarii metodelor si tehnicilor noi de asistenta educatioala pentru copiii ramasi singuri acasa. Instrumentarul de bune practici in domeniul mentionat va putea fi permanent imbunatatit si multiplicat catre alte institutii de profil, metodologia si continuturile sale pot fi imbogatite cu noi continuturi si adaptate zonelor de provenienta a copiilor singuri acasa. Baza de date realizata in cadrul proiectului va fi reactualizata si dupa incheierea proiectului asigurand cooperarea intre participantii la training si institutiile de provenienta ale acestora. Multiplicarea bunelor practici in domeniul asistentei educationale pentru copiii singuri acasa se va realiza si prin intermediul sesiunii de comunicari, organizate prin proiect.
1.Activitate workshop formare in educatie remediala:
Agenda de lucru a proiectului poate fi consultata aici
Agenda de lucru a proiectului poate fi consultata aici
Project “Learn Together” Workshop – Religions Holidays
2. Ateliere aplicative
Beneficiari: copii migranților (oct. 2011 – febr. 2012)
3. Editare broșură.
Brosura ,,Sanse egale in educatie”, rezultat proiect ,,Educatia remediala pentru copiii migrantilor”
Exemple de bune practici in educatia remediala.
Beneficiari: institutiile implicate in proiect (nov. 2011)
4. Simpozion international “BILDUNGS PAIDEA – incluziune si perspectiva” (6 aprilie 2012).
Materialul pentru simpozion poate fi consultat aici si fisa de inscriere poate fi descarcata de aici.
Beneficiari: cadre didactice